Monday, February 28, 2011

Music of Latin American Masters: Revueltas, Villa-Lobos, Ginastera, Chávez, Orbón, Estévez

Unfortunately I cannot say that I enjoyed this Dorian Recordings CD box. I have listened to it in full twice, and some tracks several times to force me to find something to relate to. In most cases I succeeded, but regardless, that is far for me to enjoy.
There is a definite similarity in the pieces, which I failed to discriminate clearly.

For someone who is not familiar with Latin American music, I would suggest it. It is possible that the mystical tropical sounds enrobe the listener. For those that know it, perhaps a more precise selection would be better.

Author Work
CD 1
Silvestre RevueltasRedes
Silvestre RevueltasSensemayá
Julián OrbónConcerto Grosso for string quartet and orchestra
Alberto GinasteraPampeana #3
CD 2
Julián OrbónTres versiones sinfónicas
Heitor Villa-LobosBachiana Brasileira #2
Antonio EstévezMediodía en el Llano
Carlos ChávezSinfonía India, s. #2
CD 3: Latin American Ballets
Heitor Villa-LobosUirapurú
Carlos ChávezSuite de Caballos de Vapor
Alberto GinasteraEstancia